As we approach the fourth quarter of the year we have exciting news: Mr. Thrive’s digital ecosystem audit returns! Long-time readers of the blog may remember when we offered a free digital ecosystem audit back in November of 2022. That was to prepare for Q1 of the upcoming year. Now, as we gear up for the end of 2023, we’re offering our free audit service again.
The free digital ecosystem audit provides an evaluation of your business within the view of your industry. It gives you the tools to improve areas of your business both obvious and hidden from your daily tasks. We’ll help you assess everything in your business where you’re seeking growth, including:
- Podcasts in the digital ecosystem
- How you can use blogs for podcasts
- Your podcast guest network and relationship management
- Your SEO practices, including using hashtags and keywords
- How you’re making use of marketing services
- Your podcast visual branding practices
- AI in business, if you’re making use of it
- Your podcast ad spending
… and more! Whether you’re reevaluating for Q4 or planning ahead for next year, take advantage of our free digital ecosystem audit. It’s available for a limited time, until October 14, 2023, so sign up soon!
What Is the Digital Ecosystem Audit?
So, what is the digital ecosystem audit? For regular Mr. Thrive blog readers, you can skip this section! The digital ecosystem audit is our complete evaluation of everything you do with your business in the digital space. That includes:
- Your podcast and all related assets
- Your website, from web design to the pages you include
- Virtual assistant services, whether you use them or could use them to advance your business
- Marketing solutions, which include everything from blog writing to social media management to content creation
When we prepare to audit your digital ecosystem, we take a comprehensive look at everything you do online for your business. It all ties together, and any rusty parts of the process could be slowing down your business growth. Our audit is designed to identify those parts of the process and find solutions.
Preparing for Each Quarter of the Business Year
As we’ve offered the digital ecosystem audit in the past and in this round, we time it around the quarters of the year. In the world of business, across industries, hearing the terms of Q1, Q4, and all the Q’s in between is commonplace. This is because it’s one of the most efficient ways to organize the year for planning and evaluation.
Looking at 3-month chunks of the year gives you a reasonable amount of time to plan. You can run a new marketing campaign in three months. You could evaluate the market in that timeframe. It’s the perfect amount of time to test new services to see how your clients react. We offer the digital ecosystem audit to help you prepare for these dedicated timeframes of the year.
The Benefits of a Digital Ecosystem Audit Mid-Year
Many businesses choose to run their audits at the beginning of the year. This is a good practice, but there are unique benefits to running an audit in the middle or end of the year. A mid-year audit, coming up before Q4, gives you time to make changes and see how your year is going. It gives you a refresh when you need it most, and sets you up for the new year too.
These eight benefits of a digital ecosystem audit in the middle or end of the year are things all businesses can expect. If any of these sound like something that will help you, reach out to Mr. Thrive for our free digital ecosystem audit, available for 60 days!
8. Goal Assessment
Goal assessment is a foundational benefit of a digital ecosystem audit. Coming up on Q4 you can assess your goals for the year to see what still needs to be done.
7. Preparation for Financial Assessments
A major part of running a successful business is keeping your finances organized. A run-through of your digital expenses can help you prepare to sort your finances for the end of the year.
6. Timely Competitor Analysis
A competitor analysis is always a good idea but it can be especially helpful coming up on the end of the year. You can ramp up areas of your business where your competitors are succeeding.
5. Inventory Management Preparations
Inventory management preparations come about when you check out the inventory of digital assets you have. Maybe you need to mass-produce more content ahead of time. Perhaps you’re in need of landing page construction. Whatever it is, this is the time to find out!
5. Strategic Planning Ahead of the New Year
The final quarter of the year is the time to start preparing for the new year. A digital ecosystem audit at this time will give you a better picture of what you need for the upcoming year.
3. Time For Adjustments
Having time for adjustments goes hand in hand with evaluating your goals at this time. With a few months left of the year, you can shift anything that needs to change for better results.
2. Getting Your Team on the Same Page
Getting your team on the same page is the goal of many things you’ll do in your business. A digital ecosystem audit of all your departments will help give your team a renewed common purpose.
1. Reflection for the Sake of Learning
There are many things you’ll learn in a digital ecosystem audit that give you a purpose to act on. There are also things you’ll want to learn, simply to have them in your knowledge bank for the future. This is especially true when it comes to things from the first three quarters of the year.
Framing Your Digital Ecosystem: What Will Your Audit Encompass?
When it comes to the benefits of Mr. Thrive’s digital ecosystem audit, it all depends on what your business needs. Our founder, Chaz Volk, closely examines your business model and current structure, with support from our team of digital marketing and content creation pros. Our combined expertise gives us a full view of what your business needs.
If you have initial concerns, share them so we can address them together. If not, we’ll do a full sweep of your business, to find any and every area where we can build together. This free digital ecosystem audit will show you all the places where you can improve and grow your business.
Frequently Asked Questions About Digital Audits
Digital audits are important for all types of businesses and they lead to questions for all businesses. There are many moving parts of a digital audit, and they can mean something slightly different depending on your business type. Our answers to these frequently asked questions will help clear up the initial questions you’ll find yourself asking.
What Is an Example of a Digital Audit?
An example of a digital audit is when a business dives into its metrics on social media, occasionally just on one platform. A digital audit is the evaluation of your success and practices in a digital space. A singular audit can help if you’re struggling with metrics on Instagram or TikTok. A full digital ecosystem audit covers all your spaces, for maximum impact.
What Is Included In a Digital Audit?
A digital audit includes a review of everything your digital space has going on, including:
- Your overall success
- Your rankings on Google or other sources for searches
- What users are searching for and checking out
- How much ROI you’re generating–including ROI for podcasts
A digital audit checks the results of your digital practices. Anything you’re measuring to check those results is part of the audit.
What Is the Difference Between Audits and Digital Audits?
The difference between audits and digital audits rests firmly in the digital aspect. In many businesses these days, audits are primarily digital audits because of how much of business is done in a digital space. You could also audit a physical warehouse, or your office supplies, to make sure you have the inventory you need.
What are the Three C’s of Auditing?
The three C’s of auditing are communication, culture, and coordination. Communication is key, it’s how your business is run smoothly. Culture is something you can include in an audit, to make sure your communication is fostering a healthy culture. Coordination is a goal of any business, and improved coordination across your business is a specific goal of running an audit.
The Return of Mr. Thrive’s Digital Ecosystem Audit: Is Your Business Ready for Q4?
The return of the Mr. Thrive Media digital ecosystem audit helps you prepare for Q4 and evaluate your business growth through the year so far. If you’ve been struggling with particular issues or you want a big impact before the end of the year, sign up for a free audit today! This offer expires on October 14, 2023, be sure to sign up now.