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Core Values and Business Goals: 6 New Year Building Blocks

Your core values and business goals are two major players in the future success of your business. On their own, core team values are vital to the health of your business and the effectiveness of your business strategies. When mixed with business goals, this pairing becomes a force to be reckoned with in your business trajectory.

Having a strong partnership of core values and business goals can help in any industry. In the podcast industry, this mix of direction and value helps you create better blogs for podcasts, gain podcast sponsors, boost podcast promotion, and so much more! 

Here at Mr. Thrive Media, we’re no strangers to the importance of strong values and directions for your business goals. With the new year around the corner, this is the best time to examine your core values and business goals to see what works and what needs work. Read through this Mr. Thrive blog to learn how core values and business goals work together.

Defining Your Core Team Values

Finding business success begins with defining your core team values. These values may lean on traditional values but they will be uniquely you. For Mr. Thrive, when we sat down to think about our values we landed on:

  • Mentorship
  • Friendship
  • Out-Of-Box Thinking
  • Authority
  • Diversity
  • Coffee

This mix of values showcases what we hold dear among ourselves and on the team, and what we strive to achieve. It also encompasses what we need to be successful (that’s how coffee made the list). Your core values and business goals should fall within that range of what you do, how you do it, and how you want to keep doing business.

Choosing Business Goals for the New Year

When you know your core team values it becomes that much easier to define and execute business goals. Choosing business goals for the new year is a time to reflect on your values and how your goals align with those values. 

Funnily enough, this time of new business goals and growth falls in December, which is National Write a Business Plan Month. It’s the perfect time to redefine your business plan and seek out new goals that will take you forward. It’s the time to reflect on the past–like your goals for 2023–and move forward with intention for a bright future.

6 Connections of Core Values and Business Goals

These six upcoming connections of core values and business goals are applicable to all areas of your business. They can be seen in holiday marketing efforts, in the benefits of podcast reviews you get, and in all podcast business growth. You can work them into AI in business as well as other tech initiatives. Read on to learn about these connections that make your business stronger. 

1. Guidance In Business Plans

Knowing your core values and letting them impact your business goals has a direct effect on your business plans. It provides guidance because you can always lean on your values and goals to aid in decision-making, business planning, and brand direction. This is the foundational key benefit of core values and business goals.

2. Staff Engagement and Success

When you work with your employees to understand your core values and plan your business goals, the team becomes even tighter-knit. After the team here at Mr. Thrive discussed our core values we’ve started using them as guiding principles (yes, we talk about coffee a lot). Having these values and goals be a team effort brings the team together in new, wonderful ways.

3. Brand and Business Person Reputation

Who you are as a brand and a person in business has a lot to do with how successful you’ll be and how you’ll get there. Your core values will speak to your team, but they will also be a reflection of your personal values. Placing them in a space of business importance helps your customers, clients, and industry connections know who you are and how you operate.

4. Long-Term Business Sustainability

Long-term business sustainability is achieved through consistent effort. That effort must be applied to a solid plan that rests on a sound principle of what you are providing. Core values and business goals provide that stable footing for you to stand on as you build a business that stands the test of time.

5. Customer and Client Loyalty

Customer and client loyalty are something you can’t buy in business, but you can earn them. When people work with you and purchase your product or service the way you interact with them will determine whether they become repeat customers. Every customer and client interaction had with intention, coming from a place of core values, leads to your business goals.

6. Effective Risk Management

Risk management is a sneaky piece of every business plan. How do you manage risk? How do you even know where to look for it? Well, when you know your core values and have set business goals, you can direct your risk search in those directions. What threatens the completion of your goals? What goes against your values? That’s the place to manage risk.

Finding Direction In Core Values and Business Goals

How can core values and business goals point your business in the right direction? The answer is that they help you see the right direction. When you know your core values, and truly, deeply value them, they become a part of how you want to grow your business. 

As for business goals, well, you set those with your core values in mind and they are the tangible effect of those values. Together, core values and business goals create the future of your business.

Core Values, Business Goals, and Your Digital Ecosystem

Your core values and business goals are all a part of your business atmosphere and digital ecosystem. As this year comes to a close and you ramp up for Q1 of next year, it’s the perfect time to check in on your digital ecosystem. Mr. Thrive’s free digital ecosystem audit for 2024 helps you to do just that! 

We’ve designed this audit to explore your digital space, run a SWOT analysis, and look for areas of opportunity. That covers opportunities from services we offer and other areas of business. The digital ecosystem audit gives you the information you need to enter the new business year with confidence. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Business Goals and Values

Finding your core team values and defining business goals seems straightforward but it is a monumental task. It will be the basis of your business for years to come and should be done with precision, care, and time. Our answers to these frequently asked questions will provide further guidance in defining your core values and business goals.

What are Core Values and Goals?

Core values and goals are the why and how behind how we live our lives and conduct ourselves. Core values are the why, they are the reason we behave the way we do and the drive behind our goals. Those goals are the how of the way we go about our business. Goals acted out with intention are the way we create our success.

How Do Core Values Help a Business To Be Successful?

Core values help a business to be successful by creating a repeatable, scalable system of growth and business conduct. When you take the time to define your core values it gives you and your team a reason to work hard and strive for excellence. As a part of your daily business practices, those values create a system of success that drives everything you do.

What are the Five Main Core Values?

There are so many core values you could use to define your business. Five that are popular among businesses and everyone who runs their lives on values are:

  • Integrity
  • Accountability
  • Diligence
  • Perseverance
  • Discipline

These cornerstone values have one thing in common with each other and other values. They’re all about how you move in the world and conduct yourself to find success and be the person you want to be. 

How Do You Write Core Values In a Business Plan?

How you write your core values in a business plan will depend on your business and plan type. Ultimately, your core values will be imbued in every part of your business plan. As you’re preparing your plan, brainstorm values with your team, and group them into sections of the business plan. Let them guide your plans to instill value in your business.

Business Goals and Values: Place Your Value In the Near Future

Defining your core values and business goals for the new year sets you up for a successful 12 months and beyond. When you pair your business goals and values with an external review of your digital ecosystem, you’re doubly set to work well in the new year. The Mr. Thrive Media free digital ecosystem audit is just the thing you need.

Reach out today to sign up for a free audit. It’s available through the end of January 2024, to get your year off to a great start. From key marketing services to podcast production, our audit covers every facet of your business. 


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