Here at Mr. Thrive Media, celebrating mental health awareness is central to everything we do. When we think about our digital ecosystem, with podcasts in the digital ecosystem, we think of mental health awareness as a critical component.
As the saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Looking after your mental health helps you feel better about every part of your life and work.
We run our business with mental health as a key component to be looked after. We talk openly about mental health–with our team, and with clients who have a mental health focus in their podcasts. We’re also keenly aware of how podcasting and celebrating mental health awareness are intertwined.
That’s why we’re so excited to be celebrating mental health awareness week and month! The month of May is mental health awareness month. Mental health awareness week, specifically, goes from May 15 to 21 in 2023. We’ll be celebrating mental health awareness all month, and this Mr. Thrive blog post is our time to share the celebration with you.
What Is Mental Health Awareness Week?
Mental health awareness week is a dedicated week, always falling in May, to provide a focus on a specific part of mental health awareness. For 2023, with mental health awareness week going from May 15 to 21, the focus is on anxiety.
At Mr. Thrive, our focus for this mental health awareness week is resting on the relationship between podcasts and mental health. The subject ranges from podcasts about mental health to the mental health benefits of listening to podcasts. Overall, like with any other industry, the podcast industry is at its best when it’s working for our mental health.
Mental Health Awareness Month
Mental health awareness month is a piece of the puzzle of recognizing and talking about mental health. Mental health awareness month has been observed in the United States since 1949. It was started by the Mental Health America organization.
Mental health awareness month is always focused on bringing awareness to mental health. Beyond that base goal, the focus of the month changes through the years for the different organizations taking steps to engage with the month. With so much material on the topic of mental health, there’s always more to talk about.
How Do Podcasts Help Mental Health?
Podcasts and mental health are tied together in a few key ways. On one hand, there are the benefits of listening to podcasts for your mental health. Some of the mental health benefits of listening to podcasts include:
- Reduced stress and anxiety through listening to something and actively engaging
- Emotional support brought by the podcast, as it is an open conversational tone with the podcast host
- New perspectives gained on life, by listening to other opinions about impactful topics
- Increased self-awareness, as podcasts often make you think deeply about yourself and how you interact with the world
- Reduced stigma around mental health, especially when podcasts speak about mental health openly
For podcast listeners, all of those benefits are possible depending on the podcasts you listen to and talk about. You may experience some of the benefits swiftly. Others will come along as you listen to podcasts habitually and lean into the podcast industry.
Another benefit of podcasts in the mental health sphere comes from podcasts with a direct focus on mental health. While those podcasts benefit individual listeners, they also round out the podcast industry as a whole, making space for mental health.
The Cost of Not Paying Attention Podcast with Janine Hamner Holman
One of those podcasts is a show we’re proud to produce at Mr. Thrive Media. The Cost of Not Paying Attention, hosted by Janine Hamner Holman, looks at mental health and self-awareness in the world of business. Janine brings in guests and asks them what they think people aren’t paying attention to at work, and what the cost of that inattention is.
The Cost of Not Paying Attention is in the top 10% of podcasts globally, and it’s no wonder why. It brings a focus to mental health showcasing how podcasts can be instrumental in positive mental health shifts.
Janine’s podcast covers all the bases of podcasts bringing focus and clarity to mental health. You can’t help but feel more relaxed as Janine and her guests discuss subjects around mental health with gentle compassion.
The emotional support Janine provides as a sympathetic listener is unparalleled. There are new perspectives with each episode, as each guest brings their opinions and background to the subjects being discussed. The conversation is based on being self-aware and looking at areas of tension between the workplace and mental health with an open mind.
The Cost of Not Paying Attention is a podcast that helps every listener, producer, and guest feel at ease with their mental health journey. Janine has even taken her work in the world of mental health one step further. She’s published a book on mental health in business, titled Mind The Gap: A Thought Leader’s Guide to 21st Century Conscious Leadership.
Mental Health In Podcasting: 4 Mental Health Tips If You Work In Podcasting
There’s another part of mental health and podcasting that isn’t talked about as often. That is, the relationship people who work in podcasting have with mental health. Hosting and working on a podcast is, for the majority of hosts, a labor of love. Like any career you love, it can be tasking to have a mental balance with your podcast and the rest of your life.
For anyone working in podcasting, whether you’re a producer, host, or collateral content creator, these four mental health tips are designed for you. While podcasting is rewarding, it can be tiring for your mental health. These tips will help you set a plan for balance, and find that balance again when things inevitably become hectic.
4. Set a Dedicated Schedule
Setting a dedicated schedule for yourself is critical when your work can be done at any time. For podcasters, a lot of your schedule will rest around when you record and release each episode. Whatever your schedule looks like, make sure you have time for yourself. Don’t keep working each day for hours on end just because you can.
3. Lean On Your Positive Community
One of the best things to come out of the connection between podcasts and mental health is the positive community of the podcast industry. Yes, there are negative voices out there. Being said, there are many more positive voices than negative. Lean into that positivity by connecting with fellow podcasters, reading the good comments, and engaging with your audience.
2. Limit Your Comment Reading
While reading the positive comments on your podcast is a great tool for your mental health, remember to limit the time you spend reading comments. It’s easy to end up down a rabbit hole of negativity if you aren’t careful. If this is something you struggle with, give yourself a set amount of time to read comments each week. Set a timer to stick with your goal.
1. Review Your Podcast Regularly
A leading cause of mental health issues is the lack of control we have over so much of life and work. In podcasts, there is plenty you can’t control, but the one thing you can always have a direct effect on is your podcast.
If you’re spiraling and trying to maintain balance, review your podcast content and structure. You can change it as needed. The most important thing is to remember that you have the power to make it what you want.
Frequently Asked Questions About Mental Health Awareness and Podcasts
There’s always more to learn about the correlation between mental health and podcasting. Our answers to these frequently asked questions will give you more information to work with as you learn more about mental health awareness and podcasts.
What is a Mental Health Podcast?
A mental health podcast is any podcast with a subject matter relating to mental health. This can be direct, like the workplace mental health discussed in The Cost of Not Paying Attention. If mental health is part of the subject, that podcast is one of the many great mental health podcasts out there.
Why are Podcasts Impactful?
Podcasts are impactful because of how direct they are, and how people connect with them through the conversation medium. In every episode, the podcast host has a link to their listeners, with no barriers. This makes the impact of podcasts immediate, and highly digestible for listeners.
Is Mental Health Awareness In October?
While mental health awareness month is May, there is a mental illness awareness week in October. While these different times of awareness for mental health were established separately, they all play the role of bringing attention to mental health.
What Do Podcasts Do To Your Brain?
Studies suggest that listening to podcasts stimulates different, critical areas of your brain. Listening to podcasts that share positive and important information helps your brain have a more positive outlook. Listening to stories in general lights up your brain, and improves your quality of life.
Mental Health In Podcasting: Staying Aware, Even On the Podcast-Air
Celebrating mental health awareness may come around specifically in May and October, but there’s never a bad time to focus on your mental health. If you’re working in podcasting and looking for a podcast producer and marketing partner who focuses on mental health for a quality podcast business, reach out to Mr. Thrive today.